A Dark Secret About Web Design

A Dark Secret About Web Design
A Dark Secret About Web Design

Can I admit a dark secret to you about web design?

I’ve become pretty annoyed with poorly designed websites that are not mobile-friendly and seriously out of date with bad grammar and seriously looks terrible and does not convert into real customers. It's upsetting and this is the reason for this post!

Ugly Websites Ugly Tub

Here’s the thing, I know for a fact that website load speed, mobile optimization, layout, and even search engine optimization (SEO) on websites do a tremendous job at increasing website conversion, but here is one big problem.

Most business owners have a limited perspective of how their website should function in a way that is causing a huge decrease in sales and losing their customers.

At first, when I heard about these techniques, I thought to myself “hey no big deal the way my website looks can't be THAT important.” but quickly learned, this is not the case!

But then, after several frustrating attempts at contacting Business owners that don't care about their websites, I realized that their website wasn't converting very well! And they don't care!

I have the numbers to prove it.

So, while searching for a solution, I spent a lot of time (24 years) and money learning how to properly build a website that made my business money, build it affordably efficiently and make it Google Search Friendly so it ranks high in a search.

This is why I rank #1 #2#3 and so on for Bohol Web Design (About 1,570,000 results) when you search Google!

WHY do I rank so high in search results?

After learning these (Google algorithms) principles, I sold my other businesses and began to build websites for other companies, and called my web design service Bohol Webdesign, and what I can build for you is nothing short of amazing.

I am an American-based company and deliver exceptional results. Highly educated and willing to help businesses succeed.

With modern technology and expertise in MySql, PHP, professional photography, and WordPress spanning over 24 years, I can now build you a beautiful website for your company without breaking the bank or you dealing with someone who barely speaks English.

I'm trying to reach out to you because I want to see if you're open to a new website where you'll get fast website loading, smartphone optimization and the ability to make edits yourself without hiring a designer, and even search engine optimized.

With Bohol Web Design, everything has changed because I can crank out websites speedy and efficiently that not only your competitors will love but also you'll love.

Now, the only information I need is…

Your vision for the website

How fast you want it completed

How soon do you want me to get started

...and I can begin as soon as possible.

Bohol Webdesign is THAT SIMPLE (no Joke)!

So if you’re tired of being overcharged for a new website and are looking for a simple and effective solution, then look no further.

With Bohol Web Design at your disposal, you’ll be cranking out new customers in just a snap of your fingers (Literally).

My schedule is getting full, so if you're interested I need to know within the next week.

Please fill out the form here as I'm really busy building Websites for a lot of customers.

I look forward to working with you and your business to grow.

Concat me to see how I can help grow your business. #BoholSEO #EcommerceandWordpress #effectiveSEOservices #ExpertWordPressSEOServices #FindingYourTargetNicheMarket #googletools #InternetMarketingConsultant #promotingyourwebsite #SEO #SEOservice #SocialMediaMarketing #WordPressHosting BoholWebDesign


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