Hire a Webmaster NOT a WEB DESIGNER and here's why!

Hire a Webmaster NOT a WEB DESIGNER and here's why!
Hire a Webmaster NOT a WEB DESIGNER and here's why!

Why should i Hire a Webmaster NOT a WEB DESIGNER?

I my earlier posts i covered Why Hire a Webmaster or Hire a Webmaster/web designer or Design my Website Myself?

The point of this article is to educate the general business owner of the difference between the two.

The answer is easy, once explained:

Simply: A Web designer is a broad term covering many different skills and disciplines that are used in the design websites.

The thing that separates the two rolls may shock you!

A Web Designer:

What do the people that search for a Web Designer think is the job of a Web designer?

The truth is not may people now the difference.

Web designers are experts in creating stunning websites for small to medium businesses! THAT'S IT!!!!

If looks could kill these guys would be the KILLERS of the internet...sadly they are NOT!

A web designer only designs websites...that's it!For other services like SEO, Marketing, web hosting

A Webmaster

A webmaster can not only design websites but he or she can implement:

SEO, social media marketing, consumer expectation, article writing, market consulting, expert in web hosting technology, Information Architecture, API's, user interface for web applications, The list goes on and on.

Basically a webmaster covers all aspects of the internet! From Design to niche related marketing research, implantation and everything in between.

In Conclusion

When choosing a Web Designer DON'T!

Choose a webmaster...and your businesses websites horizon will be seriously broadened.

We are webmasters! Contact us for more information about building your dream website using a webmaster not a web designer. #WebDesigner #Webmaster BoholWebDesign


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