Considered one of the world’s smallest primates; the oldest mammal now inhabiting the earth and the oldest surviving member of the primate group, the Philippine Tarsier is endemic to the Philippine islands.
The forests of the Philippines nurture one of the world’s smallest primates.
However, years of rapid forest destruction and poaching have posed a very serious condition to this species. Seventy percent of the country’s original forests have been destroyed. With these forests gone, so will the home of the tarsiers.
In the hills, of Corella, where tarsiers were once abundant, there are only about, 1,000 tarsiers left. What was once considered common to spot a tarsier by the roadsides has turned into a struggle to save, what remains of this species.
It is feared that the tarsier population is critically declining as their forest habitats frighteningly disappear.
Though the species is not yet threatened with extinction it may become so if appropriate conservation measures are ...